Going Digital

There is nothing like a good story. For me, the only thing better is connecting people with story.

I love sharing words both on stage and at more intimate gatherings but sometimes our lives are too busy to carve out an evening at the theater or local cafe. What if there was a way I could share a quick tale with people on their lunch break? A small morsel of creative fun to break up the day. Enter Digital Storytelling!

Digital Storytelling is defined as: 

The modern expression of the ancient art of storytelling. Throughout history, storytelling has been used to share knowledge, wisdom, and values. Stories have taken many different forms. Stories have been adapted to each successive medium that has emerged, from the circle of the campfire to the silver screen, and now the computer screen. (Digital Storytelling Association, 2011, para. 1)

Below are just a few of my recent creations.

Everyone, yes everyone, has a story to tell. Want to craft your own Digital Story? It's easy! Just click here for information on available workshops. 

Inspired by a first hand account of the 1963 March on Washington this Digital Story is designed to show how students can integrate oral history projects with Digital Storytelling.

This video was created in conjunction with a 4th grade residency titled "Aesop Revisited: Digital Storytelling for the Modern Classroom" Great ELA and 21st Century Skills Connections.

Most days I feel like any other parent but sometimes I'm caught off guard by innocent questions. My son and I are bound by a single red thread rather than traditional DNA. This is our story.

Most people first meet their child in a hospital. I met my son in a small government office in Taiyuan, China. Like every parent after that initial moment, everything changed. But here's why the journey of an international adoptive parent is so different.

They say you can't choose family. They say blood is thicker than water. Here's why I don't agree.

My first time mountain biking was down an active volcano in Ecuador. Watch what happens!

I love this time of year - the traditions, the customs, the food, the eggnog! But this year's holiday will be different than any other. Find out why.

How I blended art and commerce to pay rent. Ah the things we do for money...

 A story about the importance of family. For my sister.

The first time I went to East Africa I found myself in Uganda.

I have always loved carnivals. It's about more than laughter and fun - for me, it's about family.

For years my mother forbid me from sharing this story. My new tale has it all: Family, friendship, and funerals. Enjoy!